Release Focus The Dial
Relax your hands by your sides. Close your eyes. Take a  slow, deep breath in through the nose. Breath out slowly through your mouth. "Smell the roses, blow out the candles." Feel the release traveling from the top of your head all the way down your body. Feel it all of the way to your fingertips and your toes. Do this 2-3 times until your entire body feels relaxed. Close your eyes. In this activity you will use your imagination.  First picture your imaginary self playing on the playground, but feel your real self sitting at the carpet. Now picture your imaginary self going down the slide, but feel your real self sitting still and quiet at the carpet. Picture your imaginary self standing behind your real self. Picture your imaginary self looking at the back of your real head.  See your imaginary self put their imaginary hands on your real shoulders and pull them back so that your real self is sitting straight and tall.  Now open your real eyes.  You should be sitting up straight and tall and ready to learn. The zone for relaxing/sleeping is 1-3.
The zone for learning  4-6.
The zone for activity is 7-9.
Off the dial is extreme emotion (sad, angry)
 Key questions:
Where do you think your dial is set?
The dial is personal to each individual and depends heavily on their perception of where they think they are at.  At times their perception and ours our different.  They can be given cues as to what their behavior indicates (Ex. I noticed you are laying your head down on your desk while you are working- 3 or I noticed you ran to get into line-7)